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media channels for approaching your target customers from Jiaranai Entertainment Co,Ltd.

Our Media Business Info:

            With our highly respect to you. We will kindly advise our business that is related to Media Channels such as @ManGu Magazine , Weibo(เว่ยปั๋ว) (Most Popular Micro Blogging in China) . Our businesses have a target to penetrate China Market. Moreover, Our Businesses will focus on the market segments that are the Chinese tourists in Thailand and The Chinese people who live in both Thailand and China.

            Our @ManGu Magazine is the 1st Free Chinese Magazine offering the insight perspective on Tourism and Life in Thailand. @ManGu focuses on Travel, Lifestyle and Leisure. Beyond that @ManGu keeps readers informed on the current situations by interviewing top leaders with the highest impact that shape both Thai & Chinese cultures in the fields of entertainment, business, innovation and policies. Therefore, whether where to find some good food, modern shopping center or who is in town @ManGu has got you all covered. Covering the most important stories in Thailand and presenting on both the Thai & Chinese way of lives, our @ManGu magazine contents such as Cover Story, Hotel, News, Travel, Foodie, Fashion, Shopping, Fun@Night, Lifestyle and Entertainment etc are easily attracted to both Thai and Chinese readers.

            For the Weibo (SNS-Social Network Services) was designed and developed by Sina company on August 14, 2009. It is immensely popular in China and Chinese people around the world, especially the Chinese in Thailand. Weibo is the largest social platform currently driving the most offline commerce as well as online commerce because it is great with campaigns for consumer engagement & Interactivity.

Thus, publicity through is the fastest and easiest way to reach Chinese people in every corner of the world. With these sheer numbers, it is no wonder why social networking has gained great popularity with its ability to spread messages far and wide throughout the world.  Weibo has features that make the different one such feature is verification for known people, celebrities and organizations. This feature places a verification badge “ V’’ beside the account name which verifies the authenticity of the users profile. Badges come in two colors. Our service is the center to support and manage your business through Weibo to promote any information to your customer both Chinese Tourists and Chinese life in Thailand as well.

            So, if you are interested in our businesses, please kindly inform us in order to arrange the appointment schedule to present our media businesses to you. We really hope to join the businesses with you and to be a choices and chosen of media sources for approaching your target customers. If possible you can contact us anytime you need whether asking for more information or asking for suggestion from us . Our company has a team of highly efficient both Thai and Chinese.

            However, We have attached the material presentations which is related to our businesses to you and  person in charges to consider, If you are interested with our businesses or have any query concern please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. We hope to hear the feedback from you soon. Thank you very much.

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